A, left calcaneum in anterodorsal view (stereophotographs). B, left calcaneum and cuboid in medial view, positioned as in normal mammals where the cuboid is anterior to the calcaneum. C, right navicular in medial and anterior views. D, left fibula, calcaneum, cuboid, and metatarsal Mt-IV in medial view. Articulation of these four elements, flexed at the ankle joint between the fibula and calcaneum, shows near alignment of the pes with the lower leg in Aegicetus. Dashed lines show the orientation of the missing calcaneal tuber. There is no posterolateral notch in the cuboid for the anterior process of the calcaneum, a notch found in artiodactyls and earlier protocetids. Abbreviations: as, astragalar facet; ec, ectal facet for articulation with the astragalus; ecf, ectocuneiform facet; cu, cuboid facet; fi, fibular facet; mcf, mesocuneiform facet; mt, metarsal facet for Mt-IV; na, navicular facet; su, sustentacular facet for articulation with the astragalus.