Extended Data Figure 5: Dorsally patterned forebrain organoids show reproducibility similar to that of endogenous brain, as compared to self-patterned whole-brain organoids.
a-b, Percent distribution of cell types in a, (left) individual 3 month PGP1 (two batches: b1, b2) and HUES66 (n=3 per batch) dorsally patterned forebrain organoids, and (right) individual 6 month 11a, GM08330, and PGP1 (two batches: b1, b3, n=3 per batch) dorsally patterned forebrain organoids, vs. b, individual 6 month self-patterned whole-brain organoids3. c-e, Distribution of cell types as assigned in the original publication across c, individual samples of fetal human cortex29, d, adult human cortex samples from distinct individuals28, and e, adult mouse cortex samples from distinct individuals30. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. DG, dentate gyrus; CGE, caudal ganglionic eminence; MGE, medial ganglionic eminence.