Products secreted by C. albicans are not responsible for increased tolerance. (A) Planktonic cultures were grown to mid-exponential phase in TSB (blue) with the addition of concentrated C. albicans (red) or S. aureus (black) secreted products larger than 3000 MW and subsequently challenged with rifampicin. No change in tolerance was observed when compared to the control. (B) HG003 (solid blue line) showed no growth defect in the presence of farnesol (black solid line) or in the presence of C. albicans (solid red line). The presence of farnesol did not increase tolerance to rifampicin (dashed black) compared to S. aureus in monomicrobial cultures (dashed blue line). S. aureus grown in the presence of C. albicans (dashed red line) increased survival by a log. (C) Planktonic S. aureus cultures were grown to mid-exponential phase in TSB (black), in spent S. aureus media (blue), or in spent C. albicans media (red). Cultures were challenged with rifampicin and surviving bacteria were enumerated over 48 h. Growth in both S. aureus and C. albicans spent supernatant increased survival following antibiotic challenge. All experiments were performed in biological triplicate and error bars represent standard deviation.