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. 2019 May 6;58(11):1991–1999. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kez151

Table 2.

Early RA observational cohorts with case-mix details

Cohort name or study first author Study location Data collection period Centres (n) Sample size Symptom duration Comorbidity SEP Smoking Employment Education
BARFOT Sweden 1992–2006 6 2800 6 weeks to 12 months × ×
CAPEA Germany 2010–13 118 1301 <6 months × ×
CATCH Canada 2007 to present 21 2524 6 weeks to 12 months ×
CLEAR USA 2001–05 5 300 <24 months × ×
CONAART Argentina 2008–12 13 1045 <24 months ×
Cornec 2012 Brittany, France 1995–97 7 270 <12 months × × × × ×
DREAM Netherlands 2006–12 6 589 <12 months × × × × ×
ERAN UK and Ireland 2002–12 23 1236 <12 months ×
ERAS England 1986–2001 9 1465 <24 months
ESPOIR France 2002–05 14 814 <6 months ×
‘French Cohort’ France 2003–04 5 191 <12 months × × × × ×
GLADAR Latin America 2004–05 46 1093 <12 months × × ×
GREAT South Africa 2005–08 2 171 <12 months × ×
Gremese 2013 Italy 2007–09 3 1795 <12 months × × ×
Jamal 2011 Canada 2003–06 15 204 <3 months × × ×
NHIRD Taiwan 1996–2011 ND 51 476 ND × × × ×
Nijmegen Inception Cohort Netherlands 1985–2009 2 1157 <12 months × × ×
NOAR England 1990–2011 77 3666 <24 months ×
NOR-DMARD Norway 2000 to 2012 5 4126 <5 years × ×
NOR-VEAC Norway 2004–10 6 1118 <4 months × × ×
Olmstead County USA 1955–2007 ND 813 ND × × ×
ORAR Norway 1994–97 2 894 ND × × × ×
Pease 1999 England 1989 to ND 2 422 <24 months × × × × ×
RAMQ Canada 2002–11 ND 11 365 ND × ×
Western Consortium USA and Mexico 1993–2000 26 263 <14 months × × × × ×
SCQM database Switzerland 1997–2011 ND 592 <12 months × × × ×
TIRA Sweden 1996–98, 2006–08 10 636 6 weeks to 12 months × ×
United Healthcare Register USA 2000–13 ND 195 433 ND × × ×
Van der Heijde 1992 Holland ND 2 147 <12 months × × × ×
VERA France 1998–2002 5 310 4 weeks to 6 months × ×
Wagner 2007 Austria, Hungary, and Slovenia ND 7 172 Mean of 17 months ×
Westhoff 2007 and 2008 Germany 2000–01 54 1023 <12 months × ×
YEAR England 1997–2009 14 1415 <24 months × × × × ×
Ziegalasch 2017 Sweden ND 3 176 <12 months × × × × ×

Thirty-four unique cohorts from the literature search. Most cohorts are from more economically developed regions, with a broad range of centres and sample sizes. Case-mix consideration varied widely. The NOR-DMARD cohort collected data on patients with a symptom duration of up to 5 years. It has been presented in this review as there are a number of studies that have presented sub-analyses on patients with <2 years symptom duration. SEP: any time a scoring system or index was utilized; ND: not documented; BARFOT: Better Anti-Rheumatic PharmacOTherapy; CAPEA: Course And Prognosis of Early Arthritis; CATCH: Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort; CLEAR: Consortium for the Longitudinal Evaluation of African-Americans with Early RA; CONAART: Consorcio Argentino de Artritis Temprana; DREAM: Dutch Rheumatoid Arthritis Monitoring; ERAN: Early RA Network; ERAS: Early RA Study; ESPOIR: Étude et Suivi des Polyarthrites Indifférenciées Récentes; GLADAR: Grupo Latino Americano de Estudio de Artritis Reumatoide; GREAT: Gauteng Region Early Arthritis Trial; NHIRD: National Health Insurance Research Database; NOAR: Norfolk Arthritis Register; NOR-DMARD: Norwegian DMARD registry; NOR-VEAC: Norwegian Very Early Arthritis Cohort; ORAR: Oslo RA register; RAMQ: Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec; SCQM: Swiss Clinical Quality Management; TIRA: Swedish Early Intervention in RA; VERA: Very Early RA; YEAR: Yorkshire Early Arthritis Register.