Fig. 4.
Genotypic variations in germination ability of buried seeds among the 16 lines. a. Genotypic differences in germination percentage at 5 and 20 days after the excavation. The isogenic lines (ILs) are genotypes homozygous for the SD1-2 (A/a), 7-1 (B/b), 7-2 (C/c) and 12 (D/d) loci. Data shown are genotypic means of five seed samples buried in a rice field for 7 months. Only the eight red pericarp-colored ILs are indicated by combinations of the dormancy-enhancing/-reducing alleles at the four loci in the subscripts, and they all contain the dormancy-enhancing alleles at SD7-1/Rc. Note that the buried seeds were dead or dormant at 5 days, or dead or germinated at 20 days. b–d. Two- or three-order interaction patterns