Fig. 6.
Seed mass and precipitation associations of alleles in two candidate genes. a A regional Manhattan plot around confirmed sorghum seed mass gene Sb04g015420 (orange bar). The GLM of 100-seed mass identified the outlier SNP S4_35211218 (red circle) inside the gene. However, the outlier SNP S4_35211218 was not identified as a significant SNP by GLM of precipitation (red triangle point) and SNMF-based FST (red diamond). c A regional Manhattan plot around post hoc candidate gene Sb01g005990 (orange bar), which putatively encodes a glutathione S-transferase. GLM of 100-seed mass, GLM of precipitation and SNMF-based FST all identified the outlier SNP S1_5013374 (represented by red circle, triangle point, and diamond, respectively) in the gene. Global allele distribution for b S4_35211218 and d S1_5013374, with color code indicating the genotype for each given accession