Fig. 4.
Perceptual Error Scores (PES) in the non-CFS condition. (A) Mean Perceptual Error Scores, separated by subject group. (left) Healthy controls (N = 25) vs. PD (N = 32); (right) PD-nonVH (N = 16) vs. PD-VH (N = 16). ** denotes a significant group difference, p < 0.005, * Bonferroni correction p < 0.0125 as assessed by ANOVA_1 (Healthy controls vs. PD-all) and ANOVA_2 (PD-nonVH vs. PD-VH). Error bars denote S.E.M. across subjects. (B) Individual Perceptual Error (PES) scores. Individual PES values and boxplots illustrating the median in the center of the box, error bars the 95% confidence interval separately for Healthy controls (N = 25) in black, PD-nonVH (N = 16) in blue and PD-VH (N = 16) in red. Grey line indicates the cut-off score (mean Healthy controls + 1.5 SD Healthy controls). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)