1 Leaving the study early 1. Lost to treatment |
8 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
1.1 By 3 months |
3 |
318 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
1.20 [0.44, 3.30] |
1.2 By 6 months |
5 |
815 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.90 [0.66, 1.22] |
1.3 By 9‐10 months |
3 |
211 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.80 [0.52, 1.22] |
1.4 By 12 months |
1 |
327 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.99 [0.62, 1.59] |
2 Leaving the study early: 2. Lost to evaluation |
8 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
2.1 By 3 months |
2 |
230 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.75 [0.46, 1.21] |
2.2 By 6 months |
5 |
469 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.80 [0.57, 1.12] |
2.3 By 9 months |
2 |
146 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.82 [0.46, 1.47] |
2.4 By 12‐14 months |
5 |
464 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.99 [0.73, 1.34] |
2.5 By 18 months |
2 |
363 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.92 [0.61, 1.38] |
2.6 By 24 months |
1 |
327 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.76 [0.52, 1.11] |
3 Adverse event: 1. Death ‐ by about 1 year |
4 |
603 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.60 [0.20, 1.76] |
4 Adverse event: 2. Death or hospitalisation by 24 months |
1 |
326 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
1.15 [0.76, 1.74] |
5 Substance use: 1. Average number of different drugs used during the past month (OTI, high = poor) |
1 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
5.1 By 3 months |
1 |
119 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.37 [‐0.01, 0.75] |
5.2 By 6 months |
1 |
119 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.19 [‐0.22, 0.60] |
6 Substance use: 2. Cannabis use last 30 days |
1 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
6.1 3 months (end of treatment) |
1 |
54 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
‐0.20 [‐2.54, 2.14] |
6.2 12 months |
1 |
42 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
‐0.30 [‐2.84, 2.24] |
7 Substance use 3. Clinically important change ‐change in main substance use, abstinent or large decease |
1 |
100 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.67 [0.43, 1.04] |
7.1 From baseline to 3 months |
1 |
100 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.67 [0.43, 1.04] |
8 Substance use: 4. Averages of various measures (skewed data) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.1 Alcohol ‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 3 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.2 Alcohol ‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.3 Alcohol ‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 12 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.4 Alcohol ‐ frequency per month by 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.5 Alcohol quantity per session ‐ 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.6 Alcohol Assessment ‐ AUDIT ‐ 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.7 General ‐ ASI score ‐ 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.8 Drug abuse screening test ‐ DAST‐10 by 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.9 Amphetamine‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.10 Amphetamine‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 3 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.11 Amphetamine‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 12 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.12 Cannabis‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 3 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.13 Cannabis‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.14 Cannabis‐ estimated daily consumption ‐ past month ‐ 12 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.16 cannabis ‐ days of use last month by 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.17 Cannabis ‐ days of use last month by 10‐12 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.18 Cannabis ‐ joints last 30 days by 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.19 Cannabis ‐ joints last 30 days by 10 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.20 Proportion of days abstinence from all substances last 90 days by 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.21 Proportion of days abstinence from all substances last 90 days by 12 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.22 Proportion of days abstinence from all substances last 90 days by 18 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
8.23 Proportion of days abstinence from all substances last 90 days by 24 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |
9 Substance use: 5. Average change in % days abstinent during & after treatment |
Other data |
No numeric data |
10 Mental state: 1. Average score (PANSS, total, high = poor) |
4 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
10.1 By 6 months |
2 |
78 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.99 [‐5.91, 7.89] |
10.2 By 9‐10 months |
2 |
92 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
‐5.01 [‐11.25, 1.22] |
10.3 By 12 months |
1 |
274 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
2.52 [‐0.68, 5.72] |
10.4 By 24 months |
1 |
247 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
2.71 [‐0.58, 6.00] |
11 Mental state: 2. Average score (PANSS positive symptoms, high = poor) |
1 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
11.1 By 12 months |
1 |
274 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.03 [‐1.18, 1.24] |
11.2 By 24 months |
1 |
247 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.52 [‐0.80, 1.84] |
12 Mental state: 3. Average score (PANSS negative symptoms, high = poor) |
1 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
12.1 by 12 months |
1 |
274 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.39 [‐0.65, 1.43] |
12.2 by 24 months |
1 |
247 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.16 [‐0.84, 1.16] |
13 Mental state: 4. Average score (various scales, high = poor)) (skewed data) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.1 Depressive symptoms ‐ 3 months (BDI‐11) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.2 Depressive symptoms ‐ 6 months (BDI‐11) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.3 Depressive symptoms ‐ 12 months (BDI‐11) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.4 Depressive symptoms ‐ 3 months Calgary Depression Scale |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.5 Depressive symptoms ‐ 12 months Calgary Depression Scale |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.6 General symptoms total score ‐ 6 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.7 General symptoms total score ‐ 12 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.8 General symptoms total score ‐ 3 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.9 General symptoms ‐ 18 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.10 Total score ‐ 3 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.11 Total score ‐ 6 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.12 Total score ‐ 12 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.13 Total score ‐ 18 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.14 Manic symptoms ‐ 3 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.15 Manic symptoms ‐ 6 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.16 Manic symptoms ‐ 12 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.17 Negative symptoms ‐ 3 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.18 Negative symptoms ‐ 6 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.19 Negative symptoms ‐ 12 months (BPRS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.20 Negative symptoms ‐ 6 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.21 Negative symptoms ‐ 9‐10 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.22 Negative symptoms ‐ 12 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.23 Negative symptoms ‐ 18 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.24 Negative symptoms ‐ 3 months (SANS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.25 Negative symptoms ‐ 12 months (SANS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.26 Positive symptoms ‐ 6 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.27 Positive symptoms ‐ 9‐10 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.28 Positive symptoms ‐ 12 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.29 Positive symptoms ‐ 18 months (PANSS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.30 Positive symptoms ‐ 3 months (SAPS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
13.31 Positive symptoms ‐ 12 months (SAPS) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
14 Global state: 1. Average score (GAF, low = poor) |
6 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
14.1 3 months |
3 |
277 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
‐0.17 [‐2.79, 2.46] |
14.2 6 months |
2 |
219 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
1.65 [‐2.46, 5.76] |
14.3 12 months |
4 |
445 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
1.24 [‐1.86, 4.34] |
14.4 18 months |
2 |
72 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
4.57 [‐3.07, 12.21] |
14.5 24 months |
1 |
234 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
‐0.21 [‐2.93, 2.51] |
15 Global state: 2. Forensic measures ‐ arrests reported ‐ by 6 months |
1 |
110 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.49 [0.22, 1.10] |
16 Social functioning: 1. Average score (SFS, low = poor) |
1 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
16.1 By end of 9 month treatment |
1 |
32 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
5.01 [‐0.55, 10.57] |
16.2 By 12 months (3 months following treatment end) |
1 |
32 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
7.27 [0.86, 13.68] |
17 Quality of life/ life satisfaction: 1. Average score (BQOL (general life satisfaction, low = poor) ‐ by 6 months |
1 |
110 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.58 [0.00, 1.16] |
18 Quality of life/ life satisfaction: 2. Average score (BQOL (overall quality of life, low = poor) ‐ by 6 months |
1 |
110 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
‐0.02 [‐0.61, 0.57] |
19 Quality of life/ life satisfaction: 3. Average score (WHOQOL, Bref, higher scores = better QoL) ‐ by 6 months |
1 |
16 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
‐15.70 [‐36.19, 4.79] |
20 Quality of life/ life satisfaction: 4. Average score (MANSA, higher scores = better QoL) |
1 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
20.1 By 6 months |
1 |
64 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
‐2.70 [‐7.01, 1.61] |
20.2 By 10 months |
1 |
61 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
0.90 [‐3.73, 5.53] |
21 Quality of life/ life satisfaction: 5. Average score (CSQ ‐ client satisfaction, high = good) ‐ by 10 months |
1 |
62 |
Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) |
6.40 [3.87, 8.93] |
22 Service use: 1. Relapse (hospitalised) |
2 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
Subtotals only |
22.1 By end of 9 month treatment phase |
2 |
107 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.58 [0.29, 1.16] |
22.2 By 3 months after treatment finished ‐ 12 months |
1 |
36 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.50 [0.24, 1.04] |
22.3 By 9 months after treatment finished ‐ 18 months |
2 |
105 |
Risk Ratio (M‐H, Random, 95% CI) |
0.61 [0.34, 1.10] |
23 Economic outcomes: 1. Direct cost in US$ (BQOL, money subscale) (skewed data) |
Other data |
No numeric data |
23.1 6 months |
Other data |
No numeric data |