Figure 6. Gene signatures associated with the effect on lifespan.
(A) Genes positively (351) and negatively (264) associated with the effect on maximum lifespan. X axis represents individual datasets. Upper plot shows the effect on maximum lifespan for the corresponding dataset.
(B) Association of Dgat1 expression change with the effect on maximum lifespan.
(C-F) Association of Hint1 (C), Irf2 (D), Eci1 (E) and Ndufab1 (F) expression change with the effect on maximum (left) and median (right) lifespan. All specified genes are significantly associated with both metrics.
FGF21 over: FGF21 overexpression; Snell: Snell dwarf mice; Ames: Ames dwarf mice; Little: Little mice.
See also Figure S6.