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. 2019 Dec 11;19:1668. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-7976-6

Table 3.

Implementation strategies and relation to COM-B constructs and content.

Implementation strategies COM-B Content
Educational meeting Motivation Introduction by the research-team, including the aim and structure of the meeting
Psychological capability Research-team presents the content of the guideline
Reflective motivation Exercise 1: schools discuss if there is a need to adapt the recommendations to the school-context
Psychological capability Exercise 2 (world-café): schools exchange knowledge regarding how they adhere to the recommendations of the guideline and possible barriers and facilitators of adherence.
Reflective motivation Exercise 3: each school chooses a recommendation to implement and discusses the advantage of adhering to the recommendation.
Reflective motivation Exercise 4: each school develops an action plan for the implementation of the chosen recommendation
Social opportunity Motivation Exercise 5 (devils-advocate): in pairs - schools peer review each other’s action plan.
Psychological capability Motivation Research-team presents the concepts of barriers and facilitators. Group discussion on what can influence the implementation of the formed action plans and on what can ensure a successful implementation.
Automatic motivation Research-team asks each school to answer a set of motivational coaching questions aimed creating motivation for implementing the guideline.
Implementation team Social opportunity The members of the implementation team provides social support within team.
Social opportunity The implementation team provides social support, modelling and social comparison between teams.
Reflective motivation The Plan-Do-Study Act cycles give implementation teams a structured approach to the implementation of the guideline’s recommendations.
Social opportunity The communication plan will give implementation teams the opportunity to specify the support they need from the municipality’s educational board to facilitate the implementation process.
Workshop 1 Reflective motivation Introduction, each school describes which recommendation they chose to implement under the educational-meeting, and any activities that have already been undertaken.
Psychological capability Research-team presents recommendation 1 and specified target-behaviors
Psychological capability Research-team presents the concept of SMART-goals
Reflective motivation Exercise 1 (PLAN): implementation team writes a SMART-goal for a recommendation they are planning to implement
Psychological capability, reflective motivation Exercise 2 (PLAN): implementation teams conduct a planning exercise, specifying in small detailed steps how they are planning to reach their SMART-goal. The exercise results in a detailed action-plan describing the different steps, when they will be undertaken and who is responsible.
Social opportunity Plenary discussion on support and communication, both between the implementation teams and from the municipality’s educational board.
Workshop 2 Reflective motivation Each implementation team briefly presents if they carried out their specified plan (DO), which barriers and facilitators influenced execution (STUDY) and what needs to be adapted in the plan (ACT).
Psychological capability Research-team presents the concept of behavior-change and factors that can influence behavior change.
Reflective motivation, social opportunity Exercise 1: in pairs - implementation teams discuss barriers that influenced execution (STUDY) and possible solutions to these barriers.
Reflective motivation Exercise 2: on the basis of exercise 1 each implementation team adapts their action plan (ACT) or develops a new action-plan (PLAN)
Social opportunity Plenary discussion with a representative of the municipality’s educational board on support needed for successful implementation.
Reflective motivation Each implementation team briefly presents their (updated) plan (PLAN)
Workshop 3 Psychological capability, automatic motivation Research-team discusses the importance of having routines in place to ensure that implemented changes are sustained over time.
Reflective motivation Each implementation team briefly presents if they carried out their specified plan (DO), which barriers and facilitators influenced execution (STUDY) and what needs to be adapted in the plan (ACT).
Reflective motivation The implementation team adapts their action plan (ACT) or develops a new action-plan (PLAN)
Reflective motivation Exercise 1: (backward brainstorm) plenary exercise identifying barriers that hinder individuals from following routines. The exercise results in a consensus of what an optimal routine should look like.
Reflective motivation Exercise 2: each implementation team choses a recommendation for which they would like to develop a routine.
Reflective motivation Exercise 3: each implementation team develops a routine for the chosen recommendation - describing how the recommendation can become a reoccurring routine (PLAN), for example how can we ensure that the assessment of social and organizational risk at our workplace becomes a reoccurring event.
Workshop 4 Reflective motivation Exercise 1: implementation team reflects over how they currently work with recommendation 3.
Reflective motivation, social opportunity Plenary discussion on current adherence to recommendation 3.
Psychological capability, automatic motivation Research-team presents recommendation 3 and specified target-behaviors
Reflective motivation Exercise 2 (PLAN): implementation team writes a SMART-goal for recommendation 3.
Reflective motivation Exercise 3 (PLAN): implementation team conduct a planning exercise, specifying in small detailed steps how they are planning to reach their SMART-goal. The exercise results in a detailed action-plan describing the different steps, when they will be undertaken and who is responsible.
Reflective motivation Each implementation team briefly presents their plan (PLAN)
Workshop 5 Reflective motivation Each implementation team briefly presents if they carried out their specified plan (DO), which barriers and facilitators influenced execution (STUDY) and what needs to be adapted in the plan (ACT).
Psychological capability, automatic motivation Research-team further presents recommendation 3 and specified target-behaviors.
Reflective motivation Exercise 1: The implementation teams conduct an exercise related to recommendation 3. The exercise is aimed at supporting the implementation teams with prioritizing areas of their social and organizational work environment that need to be improved.
Reflective motivation Exercise 2: The implementation team adapts their action plan (ACT) or develops a new action-plan (PLAN) aimed at the implementation of recommendation 3.
Reflective motivation Exercise 3: The implementation team reflects over how they will continue with the implementation of the recommendations and adherence to the recommendations. Moreover, the implementation teams plans for the coming school-year, e.g. in what way will the implementation team continue, how often will they meet, are additional members needed etc.