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. 2019 Dec;65(12):e531–e537.

Table 1.

Participant demographic characteristics

Mean (SD; range) age, y 34 (5.2; 27–57)
Mean (SD; range) no. of years in practice 5 (4.5; < 1–28)
Mean (SD; range) no. of births attended per year 44 (29.8; 5–188)
Female sex, n/N (%) 71/78 (91)
Practice location, n/N (%)
  • Urban 55/80 (69)
  • Suburban 13/80 (16)
  • Rural 10/80 (12)
  • Other 2/80 (2)
Practice type, n/N (%)
  • Solo 3/77 (4)
  • Group 35/77 (45)
  • Teaching practice 30/77 (39)
  • Other 9/77 (12)
Practice hours, n/N (%)
  • Full-time 54/78 (69)
  • Part-time 23/78 (29)
  • Other 1/78 (1)
Academic appointment, n/N (%) 53/77 (69)
Learners in practice, n/N (%) 59/77 (77)
Currently include intrapartum care, n/N (%) 60/78 (77)
Completed ALSO or ALARM course, n/N (%) 51/59 (86)

ALARM—Advances in Labour and Risk Management, ALSO—Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics.


Denominator varies because not all respondents answered all questions and percentages might not add to 100 owing to rounding.