Figure 2. SRK03 and SRK28 are successfully expressed in A. thaliana and represent phenotypically distinct female recognition specificities.
(A) Fluorescence microscopic observation of pistils from SRK-transformed A. thaliana plants pollinated with S03 and S28 pollen from A. halleri. A robust self-incompatibility reaction is observed between cognate alleles, whereas a compatible reaction is observed between non-cognate alleles. White arrows indicate pollen tubes that germinated in the stigma, and are specific to compatible reactions. Bar = 0.3 mm. (B) Number of germinated pollen grains per stigma after pollination. Two SRK03 and SRK28 lines were pollinated with A. halleri pollen expressing either S03 (blue) or S28 (red) specificities. The number of pollinated pistils for each pollination assay is indicated on the top of the figure. The median value for each cross is represented by a horizontal bar.