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. 2019 Dec 5;61:1–26. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.61.46446
1 Pileus grey to greyish-brown 2
Pileus white to pinkish-white 3
2 Basidiospores 8–9.5 (–10) × (5.5) 6–7 µm. Occurring on bark-wood of Castanopsis and/or on soil E. reductum
Basidiospores 9–10 × 6–6.5 µm. Occurring on decayed stumps of Betula Entoloma byssisedum var. microsporum
3 Basidiospores 8.5–10 (–10.5) × 7.5–9 µm, subisodiameteric to isodiameteric E. pleurotoides
Basidiospores smaller, heterodiameteric 4
4 Reported from tropical lowland rain forest. Basidiospores 8–9 × 6–7 µm. On soil E. crepidotoides
Reported from xerophytic or from montane habitat 5
5 Basidiospores 8–10 × 6.5–7.5 µm. Basidiomes white at first becoming yellowish to orange with age. On living stem, on fallen branches of conifers or on soil E. conchatum
Basidiospores narrower, on living or decaying hardwoods 6
6 Basidiomes white at first becoming yellowish to orange with age. On decaying debris of fagalean tree. E. flabellatum
Basidiomes persistently white. Amongst moss at base of living Castanopsis E. gregarium