Fig. 6.
Schematic diagrams of embodiments of side-viewing photoacoustic endoscopy (PAE) probes. (a) An acoustic-resolution PAE probe with a colinear design. A ring-shaped ultrasound (US) transducer was integrated with an optical fibre, and a mirror was placed in front of the fibre to deflect both light and US. This image was adapted from Ref. [57] with permission. (b) An acoustic-resolution PAE probe with a non-colinear design. The distal end of a multimode fibre was angle-polished at 34° for side-way illuminations, and an US transducer was placed in front of the fibre tip facing the illuminated region. AWG, Arbitrary wave generator; DAQ, data acquisition, exp, expander; lim, limiter; bpf, bandpass filter, and amp, amplifier. This image was adapted from Ref. [56] with permission. (c) An acoustic-resolution PAE probe with a compact colinear design. The distal end of a multimode fibre was polished to 47° to deflect generated photoacoustic signals to an US transducer. This image was adapted from Ref. [104] with permission. (d) An optical-resolution PAE probe with a compact colinear design and a micro-ring resonator US detector. This image was adapted from Ref. [109] with permission.