Confocal and Electron Micrographs of iPSC-RPE Cell Monolayer after 8 Weeks on Transwells
(A–C) Confocal fluorescent images show the basal lamina of the RPE cells stained with antibodies for COL IV expressed at 8 weeks. A z stack was built from images taken every 0.13 μm with a confocal microscope. 90° projections show that COL IV is expressed on the basolateral membrane of the RPE cells. (D–F) Maximum intensity of COL VI expressed at 8 weeks. A z stack was built from images taken every 0.13 μm with a confocal microscope. 90° projections show that COL VI is deposited on the basal side of the RPE monolayer. (G–L) Flat view by SEM at low (G–I) and high (J–L) magnification of PRPF31+/+ and PRPF31+/− cell monolayers untreated or treated with AAV-PRPF31 (single cells delimited by red lines). (M–O) Section view by TEM of PRPF31+/+ and PRPF31+/− cell monolayers untreated or treated with AAV-PRPF31 (red lines frame gaps between cells). Scale bars: (A)–(F), 50 μm; (G)–(I), 10 μm; (J)–(L), 1 μm; (M)–(O), 2 μm.