Figure 2.
ELF3 Might Be Involved in the Inhibition of Shade-Induced Gene Expression at Night
(A) Light treatment for the hypocotyl measurements of seedlings grown under SD conditions and SDs with end-of-day (EOD) shade conditions. Seedlings were grown for 3 days under SD conditions and either kept under SDs or treated with 2 h of shade at the end of each day for 4 days. The white, black, and gray colors represent white light, darkness, and shade, respectively.
(B) Images of the representative seedlings of Col-0 and circadian-related mutants (toc1-2, prr5-1, cca1-1 lhy, elf3-1, elf3-7 and elf3-8) under SDs or EOD shade treatment. Scale bar, 2 mm.
(C) Hypocotyl length of seedlings shown in (B). The error bars indicate SEMs of three independent measurements with at least 20 seedlings each. The asterisk indicates statistically significant differences between mean values according to Student's t test (***p < 0.001).
(D) Light treatment for the hypocotyl measurements of seedlings grown under continuous white light (WLc) or continuous shade (Shadec) conditions. Seedlings were grown for 5 days under WLc and either kept under WLc or transferred to Shadec conditions for 4 days. The white and gray colors represent white light and shade, respectively.
(E) Hypocotyl length of Col-0, elf3-1, and elf3-7 seedings grown under WLc or Shadec conditions. The data are presented as the means with SEMs; more than 20 seedlings were measured. The asterisk indicates statistically significant differences between mean values according to Student's t test (***p < 0.001).
(F) Hypocotyl length of Col-0, elf3-1, and elf3-7 seedlings grown in the dark. The data are presented as the means with SEMs; more than 20 seedlings were measured.
(G) The effect of shifting the time of shade treatment on the shade-induced hypocotyl growth of elf3-1. The seedlings were grown under SD conditions for 3 days and then transferred to continuous white light for 3 h/7 h/15 h/19 h and then treated with shade light for 2 h. The shade treatment times are indicated by arrows. The data are presented as the means with SEMs.