Table 3.
Treatmenta | CIb |
2-mon VRA 0.1 g/ml | −0.5 bc |
2-mon VSA 0.1 g/ml | −0.6 b |
Control sterile distilled water | 0.0 a |
aVRA = vetiver root aqueous extracts from greenhouse-grown, 2-mon-old cv. Sierra; VSA = vetiver shoot aqueous extracts from greenhouse-grown, 2-mon-old cv. Sierra.
bChemotaxis index (CI): ⩾0.2 indicated an attractant; between 0.2 and 0.1, a weak attractant; 0.1 to −0.1, without effect; between −0.1 and −0.2, a weak repellent; and ⩽−0.2, a repellent.
cValues are means of five replications in each of the two trials, for a total of N = 10. Differences among treatments were determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were compared using Tukey-Kramer’s adjustment for multiple comparisons (P ⩽ 0.05). Similar lower case letters indicate that means are not significantly different.