Fig. 1.
Phylogenetic analysis of laccase sequences from different plant species. Alignments were conducted with Mega 5 using the Neighbor-joining method. a All available Miscanthus laccase sequences from different species (e.g. goliath, saccharifolius) and Arabidopsis laccases (marked by circle) were included. Black circles indicate Arabidopsis laccases involved in lignin biosynthesis. Different laccase subgroups were categorized based on the results of (Turlapati et al., 2011) and marked with grey background. Mxg_TContig47643 (black star), which clustered in subgroup 1 together with AtLAC17, was used for primer design to amplify the open reading frame of MsLAC1 (red star). Note that MsLAC1 is closely related to, but not identical with the open reading frame of Mxg_TContig47643 (95% sequence identity at protein level). b Sequences of Miscanthus (MsLAC1), Brachypodium (BdLAC5), Saccharum (SofLAC), Populus (PtLAC3) and Arabidopsis (AtLAC4 and AtLAC17) laccases were included