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. 2019 Dec 12;12:583. doi: 10.1186/s13071-019-3837-5

Table 1.

Summary information of MRR studies conducted with Ae. albopictus

Study Continent, country, location Mosquito source Marking No. released Recapture method Trapping effort Recapture rate (%) MAX (m) MDT (m) FR90 (m)
[44] Europe, Italy, Castel Maggiore Laboratory colony FD 1700 ♂♂ Aspiration 4–5 people, 9 h over 3 days 1.5 218 148 119
WB0 920 ♂♂ 2.9 196 97 162
Europe, Italy, Altedo FD 3600 ♂♂ 0.6 236 115 175
WB0 2100 ♂♂ 2.4 323 203 309
Europe, Italy, Castello d’Argile FD 2000 ♂♂ 4.7 238 109 176
WB0 1600 ♂♂ 11.1 312 212 307
Present study Europe, Switzerland, Coldrerio Field population FD 427 ♂♂ + ♀♀ BG-sentinel (no CO2) 8.9 traps/km2, over 22 days 9.3 960 631 826
Europe, Switzerland, Lugano FD 425 ♂♂ + ♀♀ 8.3 traps/km2, over 22 days 2.1 977 685 861
[45] Europe, Italy, Rome Reared from field-collected eggs FD 1582 blood-fed ♀♀ Sticky trap a278 traps/km2, over 21 days 4.5 199 105 168
168 118 191
290 154 236
[46] Africa, La Réunion, Saint Pierre Laboratory colony from field-collected eggs FD 704 ♂♂ BG-sentinel (no CO2-mice) a2500 traps/km2 13.4 ≥ 50 na na
813 ♂♂ + ♀♀ a889 traps/km2, 3 weeks 16.5 100 na na
[50] Africa, La Réunion, Sainte Marie Field-collected eggs FD 2493 ♂♂ BG-sentinel (no CO2-mice) 20 traps in 0.0707 km2 over 4 days of collection; 3Rep 5.9 ≥ 150 46 na
2731 ♂♂ 5.6 67 na
1453 ♂♂ 11.6 37 na
Laboratory colony FD 2589 ♂♂ 4.1 65 na
1497 ♂♂ 11.9 42 na
[49] Africa, La Réunion, Saint Pierre Laboratory colony from field-collected eggs FD 913 ♀♀ BG-sentinel (no CO2-mice) a637 traps/km2, 4 × 6 days 9.4 ≥ 100 na na
1914 ♂♂ 7.2 ≥ 100 na na
[36] North America, Texas, Central Texas Field population 13N, 13C 1003 ♂♂ + ♀♀ CDC gravid + CDC light + BG-sentinel 80 traps per 78 locations over 5 months 18 ♀♀ 737 300 na
2.3 ♂♂ 33 300 na
3.8 ♀♀ 656 400 na
3.5 ♂♂ 1900 1100 na
[60] North America, Hawaii, Oahu Laboratory colony CD 7100 ♂♂ + ♀♀ HLC na 3.8 430 na na
[28] North America, Missouri Field-reared adults FD 13,513 ♂♂ + ♀♀ Aspiration 16 days 8.1 525♀♀ na na
[54] North America, FL, Gainsville Field-caught adults FD na Sticky ovitrap 50 traps/250 m over 32 days 9.3 149 58–78 na
[48] South America, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Laboratory colony from field-collected immatures FD 2689 ♂♂ + ♀♀ Aspiration + Ovitrap 140 min every 3rd day 1.6 ≥ 1250 na na
RB 774 ♀♀ Ovitrap 70 traps along 1 km trail over 34 days na ≥ 1000
[61] South America, Brazil, Nova Iguaçu Laboratory colony RB 2225 ♀♀ Ovitrap a183 traps/km2, 6 days na 800 na na
[51] Asia, Japan, Nagasaki Laboratory colony; field population IM 706 ♀♀ HLC 10 collection points during 13 days 13.0 na na na
150 ♀♀ 20.7
[52] Asia, Japan, Ishigaki Field-collected adults IM 232 ♀♀ HLC 4 collection points over 9 days 20.7 ≥ 187 na na
[22] Asia, Japan, Nagasaki Laboratory colony (ld) FD 1000 ♀♀ HLC/ Aspiration 16 days 15.4 ≥ 260 na na
1000 ♂♂ 14 days 10.6
1500 ♀♀ 5.9
1000 ♂♂ 7.2
[62] Asia, Singapore, Bidadari Geylang Laboratory colony RB 100 gravid ♀♀ Ovitrap a33 traps/km2 na ≥ 320 na na
100 gravid ♀♀ a23 traps/km2, 4 days
[63] Oceania, French Polynesia, Taiaro 3 laboratory colonies None 6000–12,000 ♂♂ + ♀♀ of each colony HLC, nets and larval sampling 3 weeks na ≥ 600 na na

aRecalculated based on published data

Abbreviations: FD, adult mosquitoes marked by fluorescent pigment; CD, adult mosquitoes marked by coloured pigment; hd, larvae reared at high density (4000/tray); HLC, human landing catches; IM, individual marking of wings or thorax; ld, larvae reared at low density (100/tray); RB, females fed with rubidium which accumulates in the eggs; WB0, adult males marked by removing Wolbachia; 15N, 15N stable isotope enrichment; 13C, 13C stable isotope enrichment; MAX, maximum dispersal distance; MDT, mean distance travelled; FR, flight range