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. 2019 Feb 14;28(2):276–283. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2017.6884

Table 1.

Characteristics of Women with Incident Breast Cancer by Rural–Urban Residence at the Time of Diagnosis; Women's Health Initiative (n = 7,120), 1993–2014

    Rural–urban category
Characteristics Total sample N = 7,120 (%) Urban N = 6,643 (%) Large rural N = 265 (%) Small rural N = 212 (%)
 Age (years)
  50–59 2,137 (30) 1,989 (30) 75 (28) 73 (34)
  60–69 3,336 (47) 3,109 (47) 128 (48) 99 (47)
  70–79 1,647 (23) 1,545 (23) 62 (23) 40 (19)
  White 6,192 (87) 5,732 (86) 257 (97) 203 (96)
  Black 508 (7) 495 (7) 4 (2) 9 (4)
  Other 403 (6) 399 (6) 4 (2) 0
  None/some HS 266 (4) 241 (4) 11 (4) 14 (7)
  HS/GED 1,094 (15) 988 (15) 58 (22) 48 (23)
  >HS 5,700 (80) 5,359 (81) 192 (72) 149 (70)
 Any insurance
  No 221 (3) 201 (3) 11 (4) 9 (4)
  Yes 6,843 (96) 6,389 (96) 252 (95) 202 (95)
 Social strain
  Median (IQR) 6 (4,8) 6 (4,8) 6 (4,8) 6 (4,8)
  (min, max) (4,20) (4,20) (4,16) (4,16)
 Social strain
  Low (≤5) 3,047 (43) 2,846 (43) 117 (44) 84 (40)
  High (>5) 3,935 (55) 3,667 (55) 145 (55) 123 (58)
 Social support
  Median (IQR) 37 (32,43) 37 (32,42) 37 (34,53) 38 (32,44)
  (min, max) (9,45) (9,45) (12,45) (17,45)
 Social support
  Low (≤37) 3,553 (50) 3,321 (50) 135 (51) 97 (46)
  High (>37) 3,404 (48) 3,163 (48) 129 (49) 112 (53)
Health behaviors/history
 Family history of breast cancer
  No 5,083 (71) 4,768 (72) 171 (65) 144 (68)
  Yes 1,656 (23) 1,527 (23) 72 (27) 57 (27)
 Gail risk
  <1.67% 3,526 (50) 3,290 (50) 116 (44) 120 (57)
  ≥1.67% 3,594 (50) 3,353 (50) 149 (56) 92 (43)
 Mammogram in past 2 years
  Yes 6,065 (85) 5,678 (85) 215 (81) 172 (81)
  No 861 (12) 778 (12) 44 (17) 39 (18)
 WHI trial participation
  No 2,853 (40) 2,660 (40) 107 (40) 86 (41)
  Yes 4,267 (60) 3,983 (60) 158 (60) 126 (59)
 WHI study type
  OS 4,267 (60) 3,983 (60) 158 (60) 126 (59)
  E-alone 228 (4) 205 (3) 9 (3) 14 (7)
  E+P trial 436 (6) 391 (6) 27 (10) 18 (8)
  DM 1,883 (26) 1782 (27) 59 (22) 42 (20)
  E-alone/E+P trial + DM 306 (4) 282 (4) 12 (5) 12 (6)
  Nondrinker 667 (9) 578 (9) 46 (17) 43 (20)
  Former drinker 1,208 (17) 1,125 (17) 44 (17) 39 (18)
  Current drinker 5,188 (73) 4,885 (74) 175 (66) 128 (60)
  Never smoker 3,432 (48) 3,156 (48) 147 (55) 129 (61)
  Past smoker 3,149 (44) 2,981 (45) 104 (39) 64 (30)
  Current smoker 443 (6) 416 (6) 10 (4) 17 (8)
 Self-rated health
  Excellent/very good 4,245 (60) 3,988 (60) 150 (57) 107 (50)
  Good 2,264 (32) 2,088 (31) 93 (35) 83 (39)
  Fair/poor 575 (8) 533 (8) 22 (8) 20 (9)
 Physical activity (MET/week)
  None 1,030 (14) 940 (14) 52 (20) 38 (18)
  > 0–3.75 987 (14) 922 (14) 41 (15) 24 (11)
  3.75–8.75 1,411 (20) 1,316 (20) 53 (20) 42 (20)
  8.75–17.5 1,586 (22) 1,484 (22) 62 (23) 40 (19)
  ≥17.5 1,744 (24) 1,648 (25) 41 (15) 55 (26)
  No 4,398 (62) 4,120 (62) 159 (60) 119 (56)
  Yes 2,717 (38) 2,518 (38) 106 (40) 93 (44)
 Bilateral oophorectomy
  No 5,700 (80) 5,320 (80) 212 (80) 168 (79)
  Yes 1,277 (18) 1190 (18) 47 (18) 40 (19)
 Hormone therapy use
  Never 2,802 (39) 2,611 (39) 97 (37) 94 (44)
  Past user 1,077 (15) 997 (15) 42 (16) 38 (18)
  Current user <5 years 841 (12) 788 (12) 31 (12) 22 (10)
  Current user 5 to <10 years 826 (12) 783 (12) 28 (11) 15 (7)
  Current user ≥10 years 1,569 (22) 1,459 (22) 67 (25) 43 (20)
 Oral contraceptive use
  No 4,235 (59) 3,972 (60) 146 (55) 117 (55)
  Yes 2,885 (41) 2,671 (40) 119 (45) 95 (45)
 Aspirin use
  No 5,607 (79) 5,244 (79) 201 (76) 162 (76)
  Yes 1,513 (21) 1,399 (21) 64 (24) 50 (24)
 NSAID use
  No 4,744 (67) 4,453 (67) 159 (60) 132 (62)
  Yes 2,376 (33) 2,190 (33) 106 (40) 80 (38)
 Current diabetes
  No 6,828 (96) 6,378 (96) 252 (95) 198 (93)
  Yes 287 (4) 261 (4) 13 (5) 13 (6)
 Cholesterol medication use
  No 5,748 (81) 5,369 (81) 208 (78) 171 (81)
  Yes 939 (13) 874 (13) 38 (14) 27 (13)
 Myocardial infarction
  No 6,970 (98) 6,504 (98) 259 (98) 207 (98)
  Yes 147 (2) 136 (2) 6 (2) 5 (2)
  No 6,684 (94) 6,237 (94) 246 (93) 201 (95)
  Yes 376 (5) 347 (5) 19 (7) 10 (5)
 Charlson comorbidity index (modified)
  0 4,178 (59) 3,921 (59) 150 (57) 107 (50)
  1+ 2,775 (39) 2,564 (39) 110 (42) 101 (48)

DM, dietary modification; E+P, estrogen + progesterone; HS, high school; GED, general equivalency diploma; IQR, interquartile range; MET, metabolic equivalent values; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; OS, observational study.