FIG. 3.
Low-intensity blast (LIB) effects at different times on alterations of canonical pathways, toxic annotation, and disease/function networks. (A) Top five canonical pathways predicted by an IPA analysis of the differentially expressed global and phospho-proteins affected by the LIB exposure at different time points (color coded). (B) Top five toxic lists predicted by IPA. The canonical pathways and toxic list annotations were ranked according to the -log (p value). A ratio (height) indicates the number of proteins that were differentially expressed in each pathway or list over the total number of proteins in that specific pathway. (C) The top disease/function network in global proteome is associated with cellular development, cellular growth and proliferation, cellular movement, and cellular assembly and organization corresponding to the LIB. (D) The top disease/function network in phospho-proteome is associated with neurological disease, organismal injury and abnormalities, cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, and cell morphology corresponding to the LIB. The identified genes involved in the networks are displayed in red (upregulation) and green (downregulation). The color intensity indicates the degree of regulation. Solid lines in the network imply direct interactions between genes, and dashed lines indicate indirect interactions. Geometric shapes represent different general functional families of gene regulation (diamond for enzyme, oval for transcription regulator, trapezoid for transporter, inverted triangle for kinase, double circle for complex/group, and circle for others). Color image is available online.