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. 2016 Sep 20;140(3):1839–1849. doi: 10.1121/1.4962496


Best GLMs for per-trial totals of two behavioral parameters, adjusted by baseline means. Interaction effects are denoted by an asterisk between factors. F values are given for all factors included in each model, with significance level indicated by asterisks (* = p ≤ 0.01, ** = p ≤ 0.001, *** = p ≤ 0.0001). Factors not included in the final model for a given parameter are denoted with a dash (—), and overall model statistics are given at the bottom.

Source SSGs Head turns
Bat 46.0*** 4.0
Angular offset 59.4*** 6.0
Distracter distance 8.6* 20.0***
Number of distracters 47.2*** 37.83***
Bat*Angular offset 9.0*
Bat*Distracter distance
Bat*Number of distracters 34.8*** 19.2***
Angular offset*Distracter distance
Angular offset*Number of distracters 7.9*
Distracter distance*Number of distracters 11.8**
Bat*Angular offset*Distracter distance
Bat*Angular offset*Number of distracters
Model n 857 857
Model R2 0.17 0.10
Model F 26.0*** 16.3***