Figure 2.
Observed age-specific probabilities of ER+ (A), HER2+ (B), TNBC (C), and histological grade III (D) female breast cancer in East Asia and the United States. Age-specific clinicopathological characteristics of female breast cancer were determined based on 18 008 cases from hospital data in East Asian countries and/or regions and 244 819 cases from US SEER data for years 2010–2014. BCH = Beijing Cancer Hospital; ER+ = estrogen receptor positive; HER2+ = human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive; KUH = Kyorin University Hospital; NCCHE = National Cancer Center Hospital East; NCCS = National Cancer Centre Singapore; NTUH = National Taiwan University Hospital; PWH = Prince of Wales Hospital; SGH = Singapore General Hospital; SNUH = Seoul National University Hospital; TNBC = triple-negative breast cancer; WCD = West Cluster Database.