LINC00460 silencing restores responses to EGFR-TKIs in NSCLC cells. (A-C) PC9-GR cells were treated with gefitinib, erlotinib and osimertinib or combinations of a EGFR-TKI (1 µM) and siRNA (100 nM) targeting LINC00460 for 24 h. Scrambled siRNA and DMSO was used as negative control. (A) Relative expression of LINC00460 was measured by RT-qPCR. GAPDH mRNA was used as an internal control. (B) Cell viability was determined by WST-8 assay. (C) Cell apoptosis was detected by western blot analysis. (D-F) Effect of LINC00460 expression on cell viability of engineered H1299 cells treated with EGFR-TKIs. (D) Percentage viability following treatment with various EGFR-TKIs was determined after 72 h by WST-8 assay. (E) Relative activation of caspase-3/7 following treatment with EGFR-TKIs (5 µM) was determined by caspase-Glo 3/7 assay after 72 h. DMSO was used as a control. RLU, relative light units. (F) Western blot analysis of cells treated with each EGFR-TKI (5 µM) for 72 h. WT, wild-type; KO, knockout; EV, empty vector; OE, overexpression. Results are presented as the means ± SD (n=3). The level of statistical significance was P-value set <0.05 (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001). n.s., not significant.