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. 2019 Dec 13;14(12):e0226418. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226418

Table 1. Temporal distribution across undisturbed and disturbed days for seven mammal species in coastal Orange County, California.

All means (from angle θ, with it and 95% confidence intervals, CI, converted to time of day, t, on a 24-h clock) differed significantly (Rayleigh test: P < 0.0001) from a random distribution of occurrences around the clock. Statistic r, which varies from 0 to 1, is a standardized measure of concentration at the mean. At the right, results are presented a rank sum test of temporal shift between undisturbed vs. disturbed occurrences.

undisturbed disturbed
species mean t r n mean t r n Z P
Lynx rufus 00:24 0.20 2140 22:44 0.42 992 -3.53 <0.01
Puma concolor 00:15 0.40 514 22:58 0.59 157 -1.36 0.17
Urocyon cinereoargenteus 00:34 0.60 971 23:10 0.70 268 -1.42 0.16
Canis latrans 04:04 0.26 3671 23:08 0.40 2440 -9.04 <0.01
Mephitis mephitis 01:30 0.61 280 00:52 0.74 108 -2.06 0.04
Procyon lotor 00:23 0.55 599 23:59 0.62 91 -1.65 0.10
Odocoileus hemionus 06:44 0.15 15689 20:56 0.24 2471 -6.48 <0.01