1 |
Conduct a literature review. |
Follow the process of reviewing the literature: search for publications, select the publications that are more relevant for the study’s purpose, appraise them and summarise the major themes identified.
Ensure that the literature review informs the formulation of the research questions.
In addition to reviewing pertinent literature on epidemiology of different cancers and healthcare in Japan, the authors reviewed issues around gender and health issues. They provided a justification for conducting the case study for uniquely addressing the topic of training sensitive healthcare examinations in Japan.
2 |
Formulate the research questions. |
Formulate research questions that are feasible, clear, significant, ethical and connected to previous research.
3 |
Ensure that a case study is appropriate. |
As illustrated in table 1, the authors’ study was conducted in depth, in a natural setting, with a focus on context and using a combination of methods.
4 |
Determine the type of case study design. |
5 |
Define the boundaries of the case(s) and select the case(s). |
The case was bounded by examining the relevant activities in the teaching institution, and the outcomes of the training in the host training institution for the trainees, instructors and clinicians who would be in a position to comment on the impact of the training.
6 |
Prepare to collect data. |
7 |
Collect and organise the data. |
Use quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods to collect the data, depending on the research questions and the type of case study design used.
Elaborate a case study database to organise the data.
8 |
Analyse the data. |
Analyse the qualitative data.3
Analyse the quantitative data.
Use analytical techniques suggested by Yin3:
Pattern matching.
Explanation building.
Time-series analysis.
Logic models.
The authors used a linear type of analysis logically organised by emergent themes.
The authors inductively analysed the data guided by the research questions and conducted a thematic analysis.
The authors conducted descriptive statistics. The specific programme used was not reported.
The analytical techniques focused on pattern matching between training and skills used, and explanation for the outcomes.
9 |
Write the case study report. |
The researchers created a report of the findings from the resident, nurse and medical assistant participants’ reports about skill proficiency, relevance of gender and sexual health discussions, and potential for SPIs in Japan.
The researchers tracked the residents’ self-reports of the number of actual sensitive examinations conducted.
10 |
Appraise quality. |
While explicated by the authors, in accordance with recommended quality criteria, the authors conducted the research in a real-life setting, the case criteria are described, the study is about a delimited phenomenon, the authors provide relevant details about the settings, the authors employed multiple methods, the authors’ descriptions are balanced with strengths and limitations for a holistic perspective, and the authors considered the generalisability of the study. The authors did not discuss the role of reflexivity in the study.