(A) Oocytes microinjected with halo-tagged WT, Δ51–199, E158/9A and E158/9Q GDI mutants. Scale bar 10 μm, time min:sec; (B) Quantification of GDI intensity at wounds (n = 7–13). Unpaired student’s t-test, 2-tailed distribution, unequal variance statistical analysis to WT. ****p<0.0001. (C) Comparison of Koff values obtained for inactive (Cdc42:GDP, Rho:GDP) and constitutively-active (Cdc42G12V: GTPγS, RhoG14V: GTPγS) Cdc42 and Rho from wash off experiments in presence of either WT (black) or E158/9Q (QQ) (red) GDI. Extraction rates were fitted with a hyperbolic function.
Figure 8—source data 1. Identification of mutant RhoGDI deficient in extraction of active RhoGTPase.