Figure 1. NodDKO(+WAS) mice display behavioral deficits.
(A) Experimental timeline: adult C57BL/6 male and female WT and NodDKO mice ± water avoidance stress (WAS) underwent 1 of 3 study paradigms: 1) ± WAS +behavioral testing; or 2) ± WAS + 1 hr wait followed by perfusion for hippocampal neurogenesis and neural activation analysis; or 3) ± WAS + gut physiology assessed by Ussing chambers. Behavior: (B) stress effect on: novel object recognition (NOR) task, light/dark (L/D) box and open field test (OFT) (N = 10–16); (C) Sex effect on NOR task, L/D box, and OFT (N = 7–18). Data are presented as mean ± SEM. (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001, 2-way ANOVA).