Figure 6.
Aging mice are characterized by differential antibodies and cytokine response. (A) Sera from mice at indicated times was tested for antibodies to Vimentin, Fibrinogen and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP); Vimentin and ANP, *0402 young vs old P < 0.05, ANP old *0401 vs *0402, P < 0.02, Vimentin, old *0401 vs *0402, P < 0.08. Control young AEo vs *0401 and *0402 mice for Vimentin and ANP, P < 0.02 and old AEo vs *0402 for Vimentin and ANP, P < 0.01 (N = 4–6/group). Sera cytokines at indicated ages in naive mice (N = 5–6/strain/time point). *0401 vs *0402, *P < 0.04, **P < 0.005, #P < 0.05.