Fig. 2.
CQ treatment of DM1 iPDMs improves phenotypes. (A–E) Fluorescence images of LC3 immunostaining (red) of iCDMs (control [CNT]) (A) and iPDMs (B) differentiated for 96 h and treated with vehicle or CQ (C–E) for 48 (Scale bar, 20 μm.) (F–G) Analysis of colocalization efficiency (F) and Manders’ coefficient (G) between MBNL1 and (CAG)7 in iPDMs treated with CQ 0.1 and 10 µM. Colocalization efficiencies were normalized to untreated iPDMs (H2O) and data were expressed as percentage (%) in the case of colocalization efficiency. Between 50 and 60 nuclei were analyzed. (H) RT-qPCR analysis to quantify expression of DMPK relative to GAPDH in iPDMs after CQ treatment (n = 3). (I–J) Quantification of myotube diameter and myogenic fusion index of iCDMs (green) and untreated iPDMs (red) and iPDMs treated with CQ (blue) (n = 7 to 10 images per condition). (K–O) Representative confocal images of Desmin-immunostained (green) human myoblasts transdifferentiated for 7 d used for quantifications in I and J. Staining was performed in iCDMs (K), and iPDMs untreated (L) or treated with CQ (M–O) for 48 h. (Scale bar, 1,000 µm.) Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 according to Student’s t test. All comparisons refer to untreated iPDMs (H2O in the graphs).