Fig. 1.
Adjusted association between the number of patient self-reported health assessments performed by their GP in the last 12 months and the engagement in lifestyle changes. Individuals ≥35 years, South Australia, 2017 (N = 2384). Assessments performed by the GP included the investigation of weight and/or waist, blood pressure, glycaemia, lipid levels, diet, physical activity, smoking status, alcohol intake, mental health status, sleeping habits/snoring. Results adjusted for sociodemographic variables (sex, age, area of residence, marital status, education level, dwelling, socioeconomic position, working status), lifestyle variables (portions of fruit/vegetable per day, days of physical activity, doses of alcohol/day, and cigarettes smoked/day), health status (none, at risk, or with CVD), mental health, number of visits to the GP, hospitalizations, and visits to the emergency room. Maximum likelihood estimates (pseudolikelihood log) values for the full models: increasing fruit and vegetable intake = − 1215.6; increasing physical activity level = − 1262.0; reducing alcohol consumption = − 933.0; tried to quit smoking = − 199.8. Vertical lines represent 95% CI