Table 1. Baseline characteristics of each group.
Values are presented as the mean ± standard deviation or number (%).
ICRS = intrastromal corneal ring segment; CXL = corneal crosslinking; LASIK = laser in situ keratomileusis; BCVA = best-corrected visual acuity; logMAR = logarithm of minimum angle of resolution; UCVA = uncorrected visual acuity; D = diopters; SE = spherical equivalents; Kmax = maximum keratometry; Kmin = minimum keratometry; Kavg = average keratometry; Astig = astigmatism; CCT = central corneal thickness; TCT = thinnest corneal thickness; ECD = endothelial cell density; NA = not applicable.
*Chi-square tests between groups; †Kruskal-Wallis tests among groups; ‡Statistical significance was established if p < 0.017.