Figure S4.
Sea Surface LDG, Related to Figure 2A
(A) For viral, prokaryotic and eukaryotic MPGs, and (B) for well-known protist phyla and the dominant class of bacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, for which ∼50% corresponds to the SAR11 clade. Solid lines represent the GAM smooth trends and gray ribbons the corresponding 95% confidence intervals of the Shannon latitudinal trend predicted by the GAMs. The percentages provided below inset titles correspond to the deviance explained by GAMs when significant. Viruses and bacterial diversities are inferred from samples filtered at 0.22-3 μm and analyzed through marker genes derived from metagenomics. Eukaryote diversity shown here is inferred from 18S rDNA metabarcoding of samples filtered at 0.8-2000 μm. H: non-photosynthetic/heterotrophic, P: photosynthetic/mixotrophic.