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. 2019 Nov 4;8(11):1384. doi: 10.3390/cells8111384

Table 3.

Overview of MaxQuant output data evaluation with Perseus. The table lists the main steps of the Perseus analysis.

No. Command Description
1 Generic
matrix upload
normalized ratios, etc.
2.1 Filter rows based on categorical columns Remove rows with “+” in reverse column
2.2 Remove rows with “+” in potential contaminant column
2.3 Remove rows with “+” in only identified by site column
3 Transform Inverse ratios (1/x), ratios are reported as follows:
ASC1 RPS2-birA*/birA*
asc1 RPS2-birA*/birA*
asc1 RPS2-birA*/ASC1 RPS2-birA*
4 Transform log2(x)
5 Filter rows based on valid values 9 valid values in total,
Reduce matrix (431 proteins remained)
6.1 Categorical
annotation rows
Group biological replicates
1: ASC1 RPS2-birA*/birA*
6.2 2: asc1 RPS2-birA*/birA*
6.3 3: asc1 RPS2-birA*/ASC1 RPS2-birA*
6.4 4: ASC1 RPS2-birA*/birA* and asc1 RPS2-birA*/birA* (for two sample t-test)
Two-sample tests Select the two groups in 4 (see 6.4),
p-value threshold: 0.05
p-value threshold: 0.01
Filter for proteins enriched from ASC1 RPS2-birA*
8 Filter rows based on valid values 3 valid values in group 1 greater than or equal to 0.485 (approximately 40% enrichment), reduce matrix
9 Average groups Calculate mean and standard deviation
Filter for proteins enriched from asc1 RPS2-birA* but not from ASC1 RPS2-birA*
10 Filter rows based on valid values 3 valid values in group 3 outside -0.485 and 0.485
Reduce matrix
11 Filter rows based on valid values 3 valid values in group 2 greater than or equal to 0.485,
Reduce matrix
12 Average groups Calculate mean and standard deviation