Table 1.
High variability parameters in control mice. List of gait parameters which were found to be highly variable in control animals. High variability parameters were defined as gait metrics which show a coefficient of variation (CV) of more than 30% in control mice [29]. For more information, see the materials and methods section of this manuscript.
Parameters with High Variability | |
Fore Limbs
(10 out of 39 parameters) 25.6% |
Absolute Paw Angle (Sum) |
Stride Width Variability | |
Step Angle Variability | |
Stance Width CV | |
Step Angle CV | |
Paw Area Variability at Peak Stance (Average) | |
Overlap Distance (Average) | |
Paw Placement Positioning (Average) | |
Paw Angle (Left fore limb) | |
Paw Angle (Right fore limb) | |
Hind Limbs
(13 out of 43 parameters) 30.2% |
Stride Length Variability (Average) |
Stride Width Variability | |
Stride Length CV (Average) | |
Stance Width CV | |
Step Angle CV | |
Paw Area Variability at Peak Stance (Average) | |
Paw Placement Positioning (Average) | |
Tau-Propulsion (Average) | |
Overlap Distance (Average) | |
Ataxia Coefficient (Average) | |
Paw Angle (Left hind limb) | |
Paw Angle (Right hind limb) | |
Paw Drag (Average) |