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. 2019 Oct 17;21(10):e14316. doi: 10.2196/14316

Table 5.

Post hoc multiple comparisons of the effect of education on intention to use (IU; dependent variable: IU Method: Scheffe).

Diploma (I), diploma (J) Mean difference (I-J) SE P value 95% CI
Middle school

High school –0.625 0.622 .96 –2.704 to 1.454

Three-year college –0.417 0.524 .99 –2.167 to 1.333

Bachelor’s degree –0.449 0.511 .98 –2.157 to 1.258

Master’s degree –0.454 0.527 .98 –2.213 to 1.306

Doctoral degree –0.028 0.776 >.99 –2.621 to 2.566
High school

Middle school 0.625 0.622 .96 –1.454 to 2.704

Three-year college 0.208 0.381 >.99 –1.065 to 1.482

Bachelor’s degree 0.176 0.363 >.99 –1.039 to 1.390

Master’s degree 0.171 0.385 >.99 –1.115 to 1.458

Doctoral degree 0.597 0.688 .98 –1.702 to 2.896
Three-year college

Middle school 0.417 0.524 .99 –1.333 to 2.167

High school –0.208 0.381 >.99 –1.482 to 1.065

Bachelor’s degree –0.033 0.138 >.99 –.495 to .430

Master’s degree –0.037 0.188 >.99 –.664 to .590

Doctoral degree 0.389 0.600 >.99 –1.617 to 2.395
Bachelor’s degree

Middle school 0.449 0.511 .98 –1.258 to 2.157

High school –0.176 0.363 >.99 –1.390 to 1.039

Three-year college 0.033 0.138 >.99 –.430 to .495

Master’s degree –0.004 0.149 >.99 –.502 to .493

Doctoral degree 0.422 0.589 >.99 –1.547 to 2.391
Master’s degree

Middle school 0.454 0.527 .98 –1.306 to 2.213

High school –0.171 0.385 >.99 –1.458 to 1.115

Three-year college 0.037 0.188 >.99 –.590 to .664

Bachelor’s degree 0.004 0.149 >.99 –.493 to .502

Doctoral degree 0.426 0.603 >.99 –1.588 to 2.440
Doctoral degree

Middle school 0.028 0.776 >.99 –2.566 to 2.621

High school –0.597 0.688 .98 –2.896 to 1.702

Three-year college –0.389 0.600 >.99 –2.395 to 1.617

Bachelor’s degree –0.422 0.589 >.99 –2.391 to 1.547

Master’s degree –0.426 0.603 >.99 –2.440 to 1.588