SEC and spectroscopic analysis of
E. granulosus
IsTRP and Grx5. Size exclusion chromatography analysis of IsTRP and Grx5 is shown in (A, C), respectively, and was performed on a Superdex 75 10/300 GL column. Absorbance at 280, 320, and 420 nm is shown for EDTA-treated (ET) and nontreated (NT) samples. The UV-visible spectra and SDS-PAGE of fractions F1 (black) and F2 (gray) of the untreated samples are shown for IsTRP and Grx5 in (B, D), respectively. SDS-PAGE of recombinant proteins before (left lane) and after (right lane) gel filtration is shown as an inset. (E, F) Size exclusion chromatography of Fe/S reconstitution mixture for tag-free IsTRP and Grx5, respectively. Absorbance of the proteins AR and BR is shown. The spectra of the reconstituted proteins are shown in an inset. AR, after reconstitution; BR, before reconstitution; ET, EDTA-treated; NT, nontreated; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.