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. 2019 Dec 13;7:e8206. doi: 10.7717/peerj.8206

Table 1. consensusDE merged table features and description.

Reported Feature Meaning Description
ID Identifier Identifier of feature used for mapping read counts against
AveExpr Average Expression Average of edgeR, DESeq2 and voom reported Average Expression
LogFC Log Fold-Change, also known as a log-ratio Average of edgeR, DESeq2 and voom logFC
LogFC_sd Log Fold-Change standard deviation Standard Deviation of LogFC reported by edgeR, DESeq2 and voom
edger_adj_p edgeR p-value Adjusted for multiple hypotheses using benjamini and hochberg (default)
deseq_adj_p DESeq2 p-value Adjusted for multiple hypotheses using benjamini and hochberg (default)
voom_adj_p voom p-value Adjusted for multiple hypotheses using benjamini and hochberg (default)
edger_rank rank of the p-value reported by edgeR smallest rank is most significant (or smallest p-value) reported
deseq_rank rank of the p-value reported by DESeq2 smallest rank is most significant (or smallest p-value) reported
voom_rank rank of the p-value obtained by voom smallest rank is most significant (or smallest p-value) reported
rank_sum Sum of ranks Combination of ranks from edger_rank, voom_rank and deseq_rank. Results are orderd by this sum, which represents the order of the most stable reported p-values
p_intersect Largest p-value observed This represents the intersect when a threshold is set on the p_intersect column
p_union Smallest p-value observed This represents the union when a threshold is set on the p_union column
genename Extended gene name e.g., alpha-L-fucosidase 2 corresponds to FUCA2
symbol Gene symbol e.g., FUCA2
kegg kegg pathway identifier For further analyses of pathways where annotated
coords chromosomal coordinates e.g., chr6:143494811-143511690
strand transcript strand forward strand is +, reverse strand is -
width transcript width Reported in base pairs (bp) (transcript start to end) (e.g., 16,880 bp)