Table 2.
Study, year (N) | Prospective? Comorbidity scale(s) | MDS score | Predictive factors for OS/EFS by MVT analysis | Novel composite prognostic score derived? | Applicability/comments |
Bammer et al,74 2014 (616) | No, HCT-Cl, CCl | IPSS | HCT-CI, IPSS, age | No | HCT-CI scores higher in men than women; more CVD in men |
Sperr et al,76 2013 (400) | No, HCT-CI | IPSS | HCT-CI, ferritin >900, age | Yes | |
Zipperer et al,30 2008 (171) | No, HCT-CI, CCI | IPSS | HCT-CI, IPSS | No | Only in int-2 and high risk |
Naqvi et al,25 2011 (600) | No, ACE-27 | IPSS | ACE-27, age, IPSS | Yes | Only in int-1, int-2, and high-risk disease; patients ≤age 65 |
Daver et al,28 2014 (600) | No, ACE-27 | IPSS-R | ACE-27, age, IPSS-R | Yes | Only in int-, high-, and very high-risk patients of all ages; same cohort from Naqvi et al26 |
Della Porta et al,26 2010 (840 derivation and 540 validation) | No, MDS-CI, CCI, HCT-CI | WPSS | MDS-CI, WPSS | No | Only in WPSS very low-, low-, and intermediate-risk disease |
Balleari et al,5 2015 (318) | No, MDS-CI, HCT-CI | IPSS, IPSS-R | MDS-CI, IPSS or IPSS-R, age >75, male | No | Only in IPSS/IPSS-R int-2/int and high-, very high- risk patients |
van Spronsen et al,29 2014 (222) | No, MDS-CI | IPSS, MDAS, WPSS, WPSSR, IPSSR | MDS-CI, IPSS-R, age, PS, fibrosis transfusions | No | Other MDS scoring systems were valid, but IPSS-R was best |
Zipperer et al,30 2014 (1161) | No, MDS-CI | IPSS-R | MDS-CI, IPSS-R | No | Only when combined very low/low and intermediate-/high-/very high-risk |
Breccia et al,77 2012 (418) | No, MDS-CI, CCI, HCT-CI | WPSS | CCI or MDS-CI, age >60, Hgb <8, Plt <50, bleeding | No | Higher MDS-CI and CCI scores associated with RBC transfusion dependency |
Falantes et al,75 2016 (232) | No, MDS-CI | IPSS-R, IPSS | MDS-CI, age >75 y, diabetes on Tx, Hgb <10 | Yes | Focus on NLD; patient population restricted to IPSS-low and int |
Buckstein et al,69 2016 (445) | Yes, MDS-CI, CCI, HCT-CI | IPSS-R, IPSS | CCI frailty, IPSS | Yes | In separate models, MDS-CI was also prognostic, but the model with CCI had the largest R2; frailty refined prognosis in all but IPSS-R very high risk |
CVD, cardiovascular disease; EFS, event-free survival; Hgb, hemoglobin; MVT, multivariate testing; NLD, nonleukemic death; Plt, platelet; PS, performance status; RBC, red blood cell; Tx, treatment.