Table 1.
Semi-structured interview schedule.
Introduction: Explanation of project, consent forms, expenses, demographic data, confidentiality |
Understanding and management of MSK condition |
1. Can you tell me about your arthritis? (Prompts: how did it develop, how does it impact on your life, what do you find helpful in managing it?) |
2. How does having difficulty reading, writing or doing maths affect you doing this? |
(Prompt: what barriers do you have to managing your arthritis? What helps you?) |
Exploring participation in MSK patient education |
3. Have you ever taken part in patient education for your condition? |
(Prompts: When was this? What was it about? What was it like?) |
4. Did the patient education help you to manage your condition on a day to day basis? |
5. Did the patient education help you in overcoming any difficulties? How? |
6. In your experience, what information was most helpful in helping you manage? |
7. In your experience, what information was least helpful in helping you manage? |
Strategies to overcome difficulties when dealing with health professionals |
8. What do you do to help overcome trouble with reading, writing and maths? |
(Prompt: do you have any trouble working out when and how much to take of your tablets, completing forms, dealing with hospital appointment letters, for example? What helps in these situations?) |
9. What do you think you need to know to effectively deal with your condition? |
10. What do you think you need to be able to do to effectively deal with your condition? |
11. Can you think of some different ways in which health professionals might be able to give you information that would help you deal with your condition better? |
12. What do you think health professionals need to know to help you manage your condition? |
13. What do you think health professionals need to be able to do to help you manage your condition? |
14. How do you decide what works for you and what doesn’t? What would make a difference to managing your arthritis for you? |
Exploration of broader health literacy issues |
15. What are your thoughts on hospital sites measuring literacy levels of patients so that they would know if people needed extra help? |
16. Could you tell us your thoughts on patients being identified at hospital by a sticker on their notes or something that tells the staff that the person has lower levels of literacy? |
17. Can you think of anything else that might be useful to know when thinking about patient education and MSK conditions? |
18. What would you say are your priorities in life? |
(Prompt: if you had to list them in order of importance, what would the first one be? Where does your health and arthritis fit in?) |
Summary Any other points, thanks, summary. Completion of REALM-SF. Finish. |