BKMR dose-response functions and interactions within the metal mixture stratified by sex. Models adjusted for maternal age of enrollment (years, continuous), smoked cigarette during pregnancy (yes vs. no), maternal highest attained level of education (less than 11th grade or high school graduate or equivalent, junior college graduate or some college or technical school, college graduate, and any post-graduate schooling), and maternal BMI (kg/m2, continuous). A, Single pollutant association (estimates and 95% credible intervals, gray dashed line at the null). This plot compares infants’ size at birth when a single pollutant is at 75th versus 25th percentile, when all the other exposures are fixed at either the 25th, 50th, or 75th percentile. B, Univariate exposure-response functions and 95% confidence bands for each metal with the other pollutants fixed at the median.