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. 2019 Dec 10;13:72. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2019.00072



Main repeated measured ANOVA (RMANOVA) results for the memory testing based on acquisition performance and probe trial results (mean ± SEM) in the Morris Water Maze indicate that both APOE3HN and APOE4HN mice learn but there is a significant effect of genotype for both swim time and swim distance. As swim time and distance to hidden platform decreased, the percentage of time spent and distance swam in the target quadrant increased (A). The probe trials indicated that both genotypes had a preference for the SW target quadrant, but APOE3HN mice spent more time swimming in the SW quadrant than APOE4HN mice in the first probe trial (B). E = northeast, NW = northwest, SE = southeast, SW = southwest (target quadrant). N = 11 APOE3HN, N = 14 APOE4HN mice. (C) A novel object recognition test revealed that animals had equal location preferences (LP), and object recognition indices (RI) 90 min later, however, after 24 h APOE4HN mice had lower recognition indices relative to APOE3HN mice (t = –2.28, p = 0.04). N = 10 APOE3HN, N = 6 APOE4HN mice (some APOE4HN were not be tested to preserve the matched ages for MRI). Data show mean values, and standard error bars.