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. 2019 Dec 2;7(4):e16185. doi: 10.2196/16185

Table 6.

Robustness check results (for column 1, sample is the subsample of physicians who had at least one review on both websites in June 2014, and dependent variable is Ln(Houtpatient_carei)-Ln(Goutpatiet_carei). For column 2, sample is the subsample of physicians who had new reviews posted on both websites between June and September 2014).

Variable Model 1 Coefficient (robust standard error) P value Model 2 Coefficient (robust standard error) P value
HTime 0.104 (0.064) .01
GTime 0.035 (0.034) .22
LnHwritten_Consultation –0.035 (0.205) .46 0.189 (0.020) .01
LnHtelephone_Consultation 0.237 (0.204) .03 0.067 (0.012) .03
Hrating 0.008 (0.033) .43 0.001 (0.002) .43
LnHreview 0.219 (0.278) .04 0.738 (0.201) <.001
Grating –0.023 (0.143) .04 0.002 (0.024) .06
LnGreview –1.083 (0.143) <.001 –0.205 (0.121) <.001
LnHwritten_Consultation*LnHreview –0.105 (0.044) <.001 –0.988 (0.273) .009
LnHtelephone_Consulation*LnHreview –0.006 (0.038) .03 –0.105 (0.023) .05
LnHwritten_Consultation*Grating 0.004 (0.022) .04
LnHwritten_Consultation*LnGreview 0.027 (0.032) .32 0.870 (0.556) .03
LnHtelephone_Consulation*Grating 0.012 (0.019) .03
Lntelephone_Consulation*LnGreview –0.015 (0.027) .32 0.443 (0.154) .03
Adjusted R2 0.613 0.408
N 400 371