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. 2019 Nov 2;55(11):726. doi: 10.3390/medicina55110726

Table 1.

Characteristics of the studies included in this review.

First Author, Year (Design) Participants Interventions Outcomes (Test) Results
McAuley, 2015 [18] (RCT) n = 48 (75% women)
Score EDSS: <6.5
IG: n = 24 (75% women)
Score EDSS: NR
Age: 59.62 ± 1.43 years
Disease duration:
18.10 ± 9.42 years
MS type:
RR: n = 16 (66.7%)
SP: n = 3 (12.5%)
PP: n = 1 (4.2%)
NR: n = 4 (16.6%)
CG: n = 24 (75% women)
Score EDSS: NR
Age: 59.78 ± 1.50 years
Disease duration:
19.85 ± 9.42 years
MS type:
RR: n = 16 (66.7%)
SP: n = 2 (8.3%)
PP: n = 0
NR: n = 6 (25%)
Combined Exercises Program: “FlexToBa DVDs”
(balance, strength and flexibility)
Duration: 6 months
- The first two weeks of each month:
Volume: 1 to 2 sets of 8 to 10 reps
Intensity: Borg 6–20 RPE scale of 10–12
- The last two weeks of the month:
Volume: 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps
Intensity: Borg 6–20 RPE scale of 13–15

Volume: 6 progressive exercise sessions/Each session containing two sets of 11 to 12 different exercises
Frequency: 3 times/week (non-consecutive days)
Intensity: All exercises began with the lower resistance band and advanced to the thicker band
- Upper body (Back Scratch test)
- Lower body (Sit and Reach test)
- Sit and Reach test:
IG: Pre: −0.45 cm ± 0.84/Post: 0.62 cm ± 0.95
Post-adjusted: 0.61 cm ± 0.57
CG: Pre: −0.48 cm ± 0.84/Post: 0.44 cm ±0.95
Post-adjusted: 0.27 cm ± 0.57
Intergroup: Not-significant values
p-value pre: 0.80/p-value post: 0.68
p-value post- adjusted: 0.68

- Back Scratch test:
IG: pre: −4.52 cm ± 1.30/Post: −4.19 cm ± 1.06
Post-adjusted: −4.50 cm ± 0.54
CG: Pre: −5.28 cm ± 1.30/Post: −6.29 cm ± 1.06
Post-adjusted: −6.02 cm ± 0.54
p-value pre: 0.38/p-value post: 0.16
p-value post-adjusted: 0.05 *
Duff, 2018 [19] (RCT) n = 30 (77% women)
Score EDSS: NR
IG: n = 15 (80% women)
Score EDSS: NR
Age: 45.7 ± 9.4 years
Disease duration: NR
MS type:
RR: n = 14 (93%)
SP: n = 0
PP: n = 1 (7%)
CG: n = 15 (73% women)
Score EDSS: NR
Age: 45.1 ± 7.4 years
Disease duration: NR
MS type:
RR: n = 11 (73%)
SP: n = 2 (13%)
PP: n = 2 (13%)
“Pilates exercise program and physiotherapy massage”
Duration: 12 weeks
- Exercises in the standing position on the CoreAlign apparatus and floor mat work
- Each session started with a warm-up and ended with a cool-down
IG: Pilates + massage
Volume: 50 min—Pilates
60 min—massage
Frequency: 2 times/week
1 time/week
Intensity: Existing exercises progressed in difficulty, and new exercises were introduced over the study period based on each participant’s individual performance.
CG: Massage
Volume: 60 min—massage
Frequency: 1 time/week
- Lower body, posterior kinetic chain (Sit and Reach test)
- Sit and Reach test:
IG: Pre: 23.4 cm (11.4)/Post: 25.4 cm (11.0)
CG: Pre: 28.4 cm (10.8)/Post: 30.3 cm (9.5)
IG: 2.0 cm (−1.8 to 5.7)
CG:1.9 cm (−2.0 to 5.8)
p-value = 0.98
Pau, 2017 [20] (RCT) n = 22 (45% women)
Score EDSS: NR
IG: n = 11 (45% women)
Score EDSS: 3.6 ± 0.9
Age: 47.4 ± 10.8 years
Disease duration: NR
MS type:
RR: n = 11 (100%)
CG: n = 11 (45% women)
Score EDSS: 3.4 ± 1.1
Age: 44.5 ± 13.5 years
Disease duration: NR
MS type:
RR: n = 11 (100%)
“Combined exercises program”
(aerobic and strength training)
Duration: 24 weeks
Total volume: 60 min
Frequency: 1 time/week
Warm-up: Cycle-ergometer and stretching exercises for upper and lower limbs and trunk muscles
Volume: 10 min
Intensity: 30% of the maximum workload previously calculated by means of a cardiopulmonary test (CPT)
Main Part:
(Aerobic training)
Volume: 20 min
Intensity: 50% of the maximum value calculated for each participant on the basis of his/her CPT and progressively increased every week up to 80% of maximum work rate
(Strength training)
Volume: 20 min/1 set of 8 reps to progress until 3 sets of 12 reps
Intensity: 15% (1RM) to progress until a 30% (1RM). Rest: 2–3 min/sets
Cool-down: relaxation, postural control, spine mobility exercises and post-stretching
Volume: 10 min
- Dynamic ROM of the hip, knee and ankle (goniometer)
- Dynamic ROM during the gait cycle:
Hip flexion–extension:
IG: Pre: 42.70º ± 9.61/Post: 47.04° ± 10.13
p-value = 0.029 *
CG: Pre: 42.71° ± 6.00/Post: 43.54° ± 3.88
Knee flexion–extension:
IG: Pre: 52.88° ± 9.60/Post: 57.71° ± 10.06
p-value: 0.047 *
CG: Pre: 50.75° ± 14.46/Post: 51.91° ± 12.98
Ankle dorsi–plantar–flexion:
IG: Pre: 23.60° ± 5.81/Post: 26.08° ± 6.53
p-value = 0.043 *
CG: Pre: 25.06° ± 10.14/Post: 25.17° ± 8.17
Ponzano, 2017 [21] (RCT) n = 22 (NR %women)
Score EDSS: ≤6.5
IG1: n = 8 (NR %women)
Score EDSS: 4 ± 2
Age: 50 ± 18 years
Disease duration: NR
MS type:
RR: n = 8 (100%)
IG2: n = 7 (NR %women)
Score EDSS: 3 ± 2
Age: 52 ± 10 years
Disease duration: NR
MS type:
RR: n = 7 (100%)
IG3: n = 7 (NR %women)
Score EDSS: 2 ± 2
Age: 45 ± 6 years
Disease duration: NR
MS type:
RR: n = 7 (100%)
Three groups of training:
1. Flexibility training
2. Strength training
3. Pilates program
Duration: 16 weeks
Each training session began with a warm-up including joint mobility and muscle flexibility exercises

IG1: static stretching protocols
Volume: 11 exercises/3 sets of 30 s
Rest: 30 seg/sets
Frequency: 2 times/week
IG2: elastic bands
Volume: 11 exercises/3 sets of 10 reps
Rest: 30 seg/sets
Frequency: 2 times/week
IG3: Pilates protocol
Volume: 12 exercises/2 sets of 8 reps
Rest: 30 seg/sets
Frequency: 2 times/week
The three groups were tested three times:
- T0: after a month
- T1: two months after T0
- T2: two months after T1

- Posterior kinetic chain (Sit and Reach test and Spinal Mouse test).
No significant variations concerning unlisted parameters emerged from this research.

- Spinal Mouse test:
IG1: T0 and T2 (p < 0.05, −55%, ES = 0.67)
“Inclination line test between ThSp1 and S1”
IG2 and IG3: NR

- Sit and Reach test:
IG1: T0 and T2 (p < 0.05, +15%, ES = 0.36)
IG3: T0 and T2 (p < 0.05, +15%, ES = 0.4)
Pereira, 2012 [22]
(Descriptive longitudinal quantitative)
n = 4 (100% women)
Score EDSS: NR
Age: 45.5 years
(between 33–53 years)
Disease duration: 7 years
MS type:
RR: n = 4 (100%)
“Combined exercises program”
by physiotherapy (strength, flexibility and balance)
Duration: 30 sets
Home session; exercises of strength, flexibility and balance
Volume: 60 min
Frequency: 1 time/week

Type of exercise to improve ROM:
- 10 joint mobilizations (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle)
- 3 muscle stretching maintained for 30 s
- The same pattern was followed on the contralateral side
Flexibility in three different measurements:
- ROM of the ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist during active movements performed in dorsal decubitus, ventral, sitting and orthodontic, respectively (goniometer)
- ROM (First, second, third measurement):
Ankle dorsi-flexion:
Right: 7.5°, 10°, 15°
Left: 10°, 17.5°, 20°
Ankle plantar-flexion:
Right: 30°, 37.5°, 42.5° *
Left: 40°, 42.5°, 45°
Knee flexion:
Right: 105°, 112.5°, 117.5° *
Left: 92.5°, 112.5°, 122.5° *
Hip flexion:
Right: 25°, 40°, 57.5° *
Left: 25°, 47.5°, 55° *
Hip extension:
Right: 17.5°, 20°, 25°
Left: 20°, 17.5°, 20°
Hip abduction:
Right: 27.5°, 30°, 32.5°
Left: 25°, 32.5°, 40° *
Shoulder flexion:
Right: 142.5°, 140°, 165°
Left: 147.5°, 150°, 160°
Shoulder extension:
Right: 60°, 65°, 70° *
Left: 52.5°, 62.5°, 70° *
Shoulder abduction:
Right: 142.5°, 150°, 170° *
Left: 160°, 162.5°, 170° *
Elbow flexion:
Right: 127.5°, 132.5°, 135° *
Left: 130°, 140°, 140° *
Wrist flexion:
Right: 80°, 82.5°, 87.5°
Left: 70°, 75°, 82.5°
Wrist extension:
Right: 57.5°, 62.5°, 65° *
Left: 67.5°, 67.5°, 70°
Rodgers, 1999 [23] (Non-randomized, non-controlled) n = 18 (77.7% women)
Score EDSS: 3.6 ± 2.1
Age: 43.2 ± 10.8 years
Disease duration: NR
MS type: NR
“Aerobic exercise program”
Duration: 6 months
Cycle ergometry protocol (upright or recumbent ergometer depending on their ability level)
Volume: 30 min
Intensity: 65–70% age-predicted maximal heart rate
Frequency: 3 times/week
Measurements of flexibility:
- Range of motion during walking (ROM gait)
- Passive Range of motion (PROM)

“Using goniometers (°) and standard techniques (ankle, knee, and hip)”
- ROM during the gait cycle, mean (SD):
Ankle dorsi-flexion:
Pre: 7.1 (5.3)/Post: 77.0 (8.1)/p-value = 0.0007 *
Ankle plantar-flexion:
Pre: 101.0 (8.7)/Post: 108.9 (8.3)/p-value = 0.0001 *
Ankle dorsi-plantar-flexion:
Pre: 29.8 (7.1)/Post: 31.9 (8.8)/p-value = 0.204
Ankle angle at contact:
Pre: 89.2 (5.3)/Post: 97.0 (7.3)/p-value = 0.0001 *
Ankle angle at toe-off:
Pre: 92.9 (9.1)/Post: 99.5 (10.7)/p-value = 0.003 *
Knee flexion:
Pre: 122.5 (9.3)/Post: 124.3 (11.0)/p-value = 0.178
Knee extension:
Pre: 172.0 (6.4)/Post: 171.0 (6.1)/p-value = 0.339
Knee (flexo-extension):
Pre: 49.5 (10.2)/Post: 46.6 (11.3)/p-value = 0.023 *
Knee angle at contact:
Pre: 165.1 (8.0)/Post: 165.6 (8.0)/p-value = 0.736
Knee angle at toe off:
Pre: 142.4 (7.9)/Post: 143.4 (11.8)/p-value = 0.644
Hip extension:
Pre: 176.0 (6.8)/Post: 172.0 (6.5)/p-value = 0.020 *
Hip flexion:
Pre: 151.1 (8.6)/Post: 151.0 (8.7)/p-value = 0.949
Hip flexo-extension:
Pre: 24.9 (6.0)/Post: 21.0 (4.5)/p-value = 0.0029 *
Hip angle at contact, flexo-extension:
Pre: 156.6 (8.3)/Post: 157.8 (9.3)/p-value = 0.431
Hip angle at toe off, flexo-extension:
Pre: 169.6 (6.9)/Post: 166.4 (7.3)/p-value = 0.052
Hip adduction:
Pre: 189.3 (6.8)/Post: 196.7 (4.7)/p-value = 0.000 *
Hip abduction:
Pre: 172.2 (6.7)/182.2 (4.5)/p-value = 0.000 *
Hip adduction-abduction:
Pre: 16.5 (6.8)/Post: 13.0 (6.1)/p-value = 0.0712
Hip angle at contact, adduction-abduction:
Pre: 180.5 (6.0)/Post: 189.9 (7.7)/p-value = 0.000 *
Hip angle at toe off, adduction-abduction:
Pre: 182.1 (8.0)/Post: 187.3 (10.7)/p-value = 0.071

- Passive ROM, mean (SD):
Hip flexion (knee extended):
Pre: 93.8 (11.4)/Post: 100.3 (7.0)/p-value = 0.034 *
Hip flexion (knee flexed):
Pre: 128.8 (9.1)/Post: 126.0 (10.6)/p-value = 0.154
Hip extension:
Pre: 16.1 (3.8)/Post: 14.0 (2.5)/p-value = 0.092
Hip abduction:
Pre: 32.6 (9.2)/Post: 40.0 (10.8)/p-value = 0.0006 *
Hip adduction:
Pre: 24.6 (9.7)/Post: 37.0 (13.0)/p-value = 0.001 *
Hip external rotation:
Pre: 31.0 (5.6)/Post: 40.6 (6.9)/p-value = 0.000 *
Hip internal rotation:
Pre: 34.3 (7.9)/Post: 37.8 (7.2)/p-value = 0.109
Knee flexion:
Pre: 139.4 (6.4)/Post: 140.6 (4.7)/p-value = 0.125
Ankle plantar-flexion:
Pre: 48.8 (6.0)/Post: 47.6 (3.6)/p-value = 0.503
Ankle dorsi-flexion:
Pre: 10.2 (3.3)/Post: 11.5 (3.8)/p-value = 0.155
Subtalar inversion:
Pre: 11.0 (2.3)/Post: 11.7 (2.6)/p-value = 0.263
Subtalar eversion:
Pre: 8.2 (3.2)/Post: 9.3 (1.9)/p-value = 0.227
Husted, 1999 [24] (Non-randomized, non-controlled) n = 19 (84.2% women)
Score EDSS: NR
Age: NR
Disease duration: NR
MS type:
RR: n = 11 (58%)
PP: n = 5 (26%)
NR: n = 4 (16%)
“Tai Chi program”
Duration: 8 weeks
Volume: 1 h
Frequency: 2 times/week
- Posterior kinetic chain (Hamstring flexibility test)
- Hamstring flexibility test:
Pre: −5.3 cm/Post: −3.8 cm
Change: 28%

IG: Intervention group; CG: Control group; EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale; NR: Not reported; MS: Multiple Sclerosis; RR: Relapsing-Remitting; SP: Secondary Progressive; PP: Primary Progressive; RPE: Rating of Perceived Exertion; Post-adjusted: Adjusted for sex, age, baseline value; ROM: Range of motion; ThSp1: First thoracic vertebrae; S1: First sacral vertebrae. *: Significant values p-value ≤ 0.05.