Fig. 5.
Coupling effects through fluorescence measurements for 1.4/2.1 nm CQDs molecules. a Ensemble photoluminescence lifetime decay for monomer (blue line), unfused dimer (green line), and fused dimer (red line). Time-tagged, time-resolved data for single (b) CQD monomer and (c) fused dimer. Shown are (from left to right) photoluminescence intensity time trace, second-order photon correlation and lifetime for the single particle respectively (the green and dark gray lifetime curves were generated from data shaded in the same color in the corresponding time traces). The excitation fluence (<N>) for monomer and coupled dimer in the represented figures were 0.05 and 0.08, respectively. d Possible coupling mechanisms for shortening of lifetime in molecules. e Multicarrier configurations. f Pump fluence dependency of lifetime for an individual fused dimer. <N> values are 0.03 (brown trace), to 0.09 (green trace) and 0.18 (blue trace).