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. 2019 Nov 15;9(11):1626. doi: 10.3390/nano9111626
ATR attenuated total reflectance
CT computed tomography
DMEM Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium
ECA elemental chemical analysis
EDS energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
EDX energy dispersive X-ray
FAAS flame atomic absorption spectroscopy
FBS fetal bovine serum
Fe3O4@OA magnetite functionalized with oleic acid
FOV field of view
FTIR Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
GOT glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase enzyme
GPT glutamate pyruvate transaminase enzyme
HMMSN Hybrid Magnetic Mesoporous Silica Nanorods
HAADF High-Angle Annular Dark Field
ICP-OES inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy
ISE Ion-Selective electrode
iTLC instant thin layer chromatography
(m)MSCs (mouse) mesenchymal stem cells
MNPs magnetic nanoparticles
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NPs nanoparticles
PBS Phosphate buffered saline
PDT population doubling times
PET Positron emission tomography
RL radiolabelled
Rf retardation factor
Rx relaxation rate
rx relaxivity
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SPECT single photon emission computed tomography
SPM superparamagnetic
STEM scanning transmission electron microscopy
SUV standardized uptake value
TGA Thermogravimetric analysis
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TISAB III Total Ionic Strength Adjustment Buffer solution
VSM vibrating sample magnetometer
XRD X-ray diffraction.