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. 2018 Aug 1;28(8):1004–1012. doi: 10.1089/thy.2018.0085

Table 3.

Differences in Risk of Malignancy Between Sonographic Patterns

  Comparison NIFTP cancer NIFTP benign
  Pattern 1 Pattern 2 OR [CI] p-Value OR [CI] p-Value
All ITNs Very low Low/intermediate NA 0.01 NA 0.15
Very low High NA <0.001 NA <0.001
Very low Non-ATA NA <0.001 NA 0.005
Low/intermediate High 5.18 [2.34–11.6] <0.001 7.36 [3.16–17.25] <0.001
Low/intermediate Non-ATA 2.35 [1.46–3.80] <0.001 2.24 [1.25–4.10] 0.005
High Non-ATA 0.45 [0.20–0.99] 0.04 0.30 [0.13–0.69] 0.003
AUS/FLUS Very low Low/intermediate NA 0.06 NA 0.19
Very low High NA <0.001 NA <0.001
Very low Non-ATA NA 0.001 NA 0.03
Low/intermediate High 10.75 [2.84–47.30] <0.001 16.93 [4.20–80.21] <0.001
Low/intermediate Non-ATA 2.52 [1.07–6.24] 0.03 1.79 [0.62–5.47] 0.24
High Non-ATA 0.23 [0.06–0.83] 0.02 0.10 [0.02–0.40] <0.001
FN/HCN Very low Low/intermediate NA 0.58 NA >0.99
Very low High NA 0.26 NA 0.54
Very low Non-ATA NA 0.29 NA 0.57
Low/intermediate High 3.12 [1.05, 9.10] 0.02 3.57 [0.99–11.65] 0.03
Low/intermediate Non-ATA 2.33 [1.30, 4.23] 0.003 2.54 [1.23–5.38] 0.008
High Non-ATA 0.75 [0.25, 2.24] 0.62 0.71 [0.22–2.51] 0.57

Because no cancers were detected in the very low suspicion pattern, odds ratios could not be calculated for comparisons with this group. The low and intermediate sonographic patterns were grouped for comparisons with other patterns because their rates of malignancy were not significantly different.

CI, confidence interval; ITNs, cytologically indeterminate thyroid nodules (both AUS/FLUS and FN/HCN); Low/intermediate, low/intermediate suspicion sonographic patterns; NA, not applicable; NIFTP, noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features; OR, odds ratio.