Figure 9.
Comparison of chitinolytic and cellulolytic activity. Comparison of solubilized oxidized products generated in 4 h by 1 μm M18 or 1 μm ScLPMO10C WT from PASC (5 g/liter) or β-chitin (10 g/liter). 100% activity for ScLPMO10C WT on PASC is equal to 218.6 μm (sum of GlcGlc1A and Glc2Glc1A, obtained after cellulase treatment of soluble products as described under “Experimental procedures”). 100% activity for M18 on β-chitin is equal to 20.6 μm (GlcNAcGlcNAc1A, obtained after chitobiase treatment of soluble products as described under “Experimental procedures”). The solubilized oxidized products were converted to oxidized dimers before quantification. Note that quantification of products generated from β-chitin by the WT enzyme is inaccurate as the product levels are close to the lower detection limit. All reactions were performed in triplicates, and the error bars show ± S.D. (n = 3).