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. 2019 Oct 23;21(1):e12953. doi: 10.1111/obr.12953

Table 2.

Methods used to assess, validate and define MVPA using accelerometers in the included studies

N Percent
Brand of accelerometer
Actical 2 3.9
Actigraph 42 82.4
Actiheart 2 3.9
Sensewear 2 3.9
RT3 2 3.9
GENEActiv 1 2.0
No. of wear days
3 4 7.8
4 7 13.7
5 8 15.7
6 3 5.9
7 25 49.0
8 3 5.9
Not mentioned 1 2.0
Included weekend
Yes 46 90.2
No 5 9.8
Epoch length
≤15 19 37.3
30 8 15.7
60 15 29.4
Not mentioned 9 17.3
Wear time for valid day
6‐9 h 23 44.2
10 h 18 34.6
12‐16.6 5 9.6
Not mentioned 6 11.5
Valid day
1 4 7.8
2 7 13.7
3 26 51.0
4 6 11.8
5 1 2.0
6 1 2.0
Not mentioned 6 11.8
Definition of MVPA
≥4 METS 8 15.7
816 to 1,500 cpm 5 9.8
2,000 cpm 7 13.7
2,296 cpm 22 43.1
≥3,000 cpm 3 5.9
Freedson 2 3.9
Other 2 3.9
Not mentioned 2 3.9

Abbreviation: MVPA: moderate‐to‐vigorous‐intensity physical activity.