Odds ratio of prostate cancer overall and subgroups associated with a one standard deviation increase in treelet component scores. Stage and grade of prostate cancer were categorized using the tumor‐node‐metastasis (TNM) system and Gleason score, respectively; localized (≤T2 and N0/x and M0, or stage coded as localized), advanced (T3–4 and/or N1–3 and/or M1, or coded as advanced), non‐aggressive (≤T3 and N0/x and M0), aggressive (a subset of advanced stage disease defined as T4 and/or N1–3 and/or M1), low‐intermediate grade (Gleason <8 or coded as well, moderately or poorly differentiated tumors) and high grade (Gleason ≥8 or coded as undifferentiated tumors). Death from prostate cancer during follow‐up was defined as prostate cancer listed as the underlying cause of death on the death certificate. One matched set was excluded from the analysis of aggressive prostate cancer with follow‐up >10 years; the case was the only individual with unknown smoking status in this subgroup and the model was thus not stable. Abbreviations: OR1SD, odds ratio for a one standard deviation increase in treelet component score; CI, confidence interval; yrs, years; PrCa, prostate cancer.